

Total Materia AG

Silver Sponsor


Total Materia AG is a privately-owned Swiss company dedicated to developing and powering the Total Materia range of solutions and related software applications. Our platform is the largest of its kind in the world, containing more than 25,000,000 property records for over 500,000 materials. HORIZON • Horizon is your one-stop solution for finding comprehensive data on various types of metallic and non-metallic materials. • Some key features include availability of mechanical and physical properties, nonlinear data, cross-referencing features and material comparison options. INTEGRATOR • Integrator is a solution for creating a private company materials platform that protects and connects your materials intellectual property. • In synergy with the Total Materia Horizon solution, Integrator provides a solid, yet easyto-deploy foundation for better engineering decisions, time savings and increased reliability, with integration options for CAD/CAE and PLM tools. PREDICTOR • Predictor is applied machine learning for materials property predictions, whereby the learning models have been developed and trained with the largest available data set, i.e. the full data scope of Total Materia Horizon. • Predictor allows for missing properties to be filled, while saving a substantial amount of time and money on physical testing, and shortening the overall product development cycle. GREEN LINE • Green Line can help provide early validation of product material compliance, by assessing your complete Bill of Materials (BOM) and help you find suitable alternatives in case of any identified non-compliances. • Green Line also supports responsible material selections from the start by helping you understand how your design activities and products impact the environment.

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